Quality, innovation and sustainability

A future that works: elaborating solutions, providing tools, developing opportunities.
Our mission is to provide solutions for industry and companies to help them face the complex and constantly changing challenges of the future. Technological and scientific development doesn’t follow a linear path, infinite scenarios and opportunities open up before us, the strength of our group lies in the capacity to respond to new, complex needs with diversified skills, with our production capability, with our experience and our capacity for research at different levels. From communication to precision mechanics, from machinery to the production of energy from renewable sources, our commitment is to make the future work.
Company evolution and development
The company was founded in 1970 as a sole proprietorship, founded by Pietro Rebecchi who, at the age of 26, after an experience in the mechanical engineering sector in Piacenza, with his wife’s support and following in his father’s footsteps, decided to follow his passion for mechanics.
Pietro, thanks to his innate talent and curious and acute intelligence, has always provided the motivation for the company and its collaborators to grow, charting a course that helped the initial sole proprietorship to expand when after 50 years of activity, it became the Rebecchi group.
Rebecchi group has followed the evolution of the market developing new technologies and services and today the Group is driven by the passion and philosophy inherited from its founder: flexibility and care in following all the clients using best available technology standards and maximum commitment.
Rebecchi Group wanted to seize upon new incentives and opportunities offered by the market with projects of environmental sustainability and environmental integration and protection, such as the Hykinetics project (for the enhancement of water resources) and Jois (to reduce pollutants and develop a sustainable economy in the agricultural sector).
- 1970 Company founded by Pietro Rebecchi and Demalde’ Rita
- 1989 PR Capenteria s.n.c. founded.
- From 1989 onwards, the company starts its expansion, with new departments and production facilities.
- 1996 COS.B.I. Costruzione Bobine Italia S.r.l. founded.
- 1998 TP Officine Meccaniche S.r.l. acquired.
- 2008 The companies of the Group are transferred to one production facility in Cadeo - Piacenza.
- 2014 Rebecchi Group Holding founded.
- 2014 Rebecchi Group obtains UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and EN1090-1 certifications.
- 2015 HYKINETICS Project launched.
- 2018 JOIS system studied and designed.
- 2019 The group obtains ISO14001:2015 - Environmental Policy, OHSAS 18001:2007 and UNI ISO 45001:2018 - Safety Management System Certifications.
- 2019 HYKINETICS project approved in EIC Accelerator Pilot, under European Commission H2020 framework programme, in particular within the framework of the call H2020-EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020-2.
- 2020 Rebecchi Group celebrates its 50th anniversary.
Planning and research
Tailor-made solutions
Our group aims to create a lasting relationship with our customers, becoming a reference for the development of ideas and projects and also for the resolution of difficulties and problems. With our technical staff we try to propose concrete solutions to our customers, making them simple and easy-to-apply. We implement construction and structural details in accordance with the rules and regulations provided by the sector-specific regulatory laws and legislations (EC Directive for Machinery).
The research and problem solving abilities developed over time assisting customers have been fed back into the group for the achievement of ideas, leading to the development of the Hykinetics and Jois projects, then implemented directly by the Group.
Sustainable innovation
Safety and Environmental Policy
Rebecchi Group has adopted a Social Responsibility Policy and has decided to achieve its objectives of company improvement by investing resources to minimize the environmental impact of its production processes and to ensure the highest standards of the work environments for its staff. The Group has obtained ISO 14001:2015 Certifications -Environmental Policy to guarantee the respect of environmental resources during the production processes, the products and services certified. Furthermore it has obtained OHSAS 18001:2007 and UNI ISO 45001:2018- Safety Management System to ensure a greater level of control and prevention in the work environment to safeguard its personnel.
In addition to these Environmental Policy decisions, other important development projects in the context of energy from renewable sources have been implemented.
HYKINETICS Project: a system that converts the kinetic energy from moving water in electricity, realized in the sector of Mini Hydro Power, an internationally recognized innovative project. Hykinetics project has been approved under the ‘EIC Accelerator Pilot’, European Commission H2020 Framework Programme, in particular in the H2020-EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020-2 call.
JOIS Project: An innovative system from the point of view of design as well as the operational solutions that revolutionize the technology for the production of biogas, aimed at reducing pollutants released by wastewater and at creating a self-sufficient circular economy, in the agricultural sphere, based on the production of biogas.

Company Organization
Rebecchi group has introduced and currently uses an innovative and customized Order Management System MRP to ensure the highest standards for the quality and traceability of components and materials throughout the production cycle of the companies of the group.
Furthermore, the integrated use of a System for Finite Scheduling Capacity for a single machine ensures the management of production and the compliance with the agreed delivery periods. The production organization remotely controls the whole productive process and the work in progress of the parts which are in production. The innovation in the organizational structure with the MRP system applied to the whole production, enables the realization of articulated processing details and complete assembled system, maintaining the traceability of materials, the management of superficial treatments and control tests.

Quality is indispensable for Rebecchi Group. The certification process, as well as ensuring the highest quality standards, stimulates a path of innovation characterized by a focus on sustainability, on well-being of workers, research and development.